New roles are nerve-racking.
When ranking life’s challenges, “making a transition at work” ranked above “coping with bereavement” and “dealing with a divorce.”
The True Start Solution gives confidential support to new leaders while safely challenging them, encouraging them and holding them accountable as they engage with their team, boss, peers and the challenges of new responsibilities.
True Start elevates planning, decision-making and deployment, so leaders get better results, faster.
Many onboarding plans fail to address the needs of a leader in a new role. Our onboarding coaching helps leaders identify and work through stressors and roadblocks early on by addressing nine transition engagements.
The Foundation: My WHILL
New roles not only confront leaders with immediate challenges, but present the perfect time to imagine bigger things. True Start helps leverage this opportunity to rethink and reconsider who they are as a leader and the impact they want to make and even possibly recast the vision for their life.
How does it work?
While the coachee’s manager is not directly involved with the coaching process, they have a critical role in defining the new leaders’ objectives and what success would look like. Managers support the new leader’s understanding of the organization, its priorities, history, resources and culture. Coachees are encouraged to share learnings, observations, plans and needs with their manager, but are not required to disclose the nature or detail of coaching sessions. The coach will hold the content of the coaching sessions confidential at all times.